Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Still in Training

It is week six of my marathon training plan, and I am right on par with my weekly mileage, pacing, and workout schedule. It has been kind of daunting to be running every single day (except one rest day) each week. But I have thoroughly enjoyed being able to work toward this goal: running my first marathon. Ever since I had the idea to run a marathon in the same year that I had Hudson (first baby, first marathon) I have been excited to pursue it. The more that I have thought about these two things, the more I realize that this journey as a mom has been much like my marathon training. 

On most days, I am excited about getting up early, going outside, and logging mile after mile on the road. But some days, I am sleepy, sore, and not terribly thrilled about completing another 5-miler at a 10:00/mile pace. Just like being a mom, most days I am looking forward to seeing what the day has in store, what new milestones I will witness, and hearing that sweet boy call my name "maaaaaa ma". But, there are other days when I am just exhausted from the night before and from the many hours of time alone with my infant son. 

The common theme here is that both of these "tasks" take work - hard work! I am not alone when I confess that motherhood, in my opinion, is the hardest job on the planet. However, it is also the most rewarding. Training for a marathon is also rewarding, but in a more temporal, physical way. The joys of motherhood far outweigh the difficulties of it. I am learning to treasure every moment and not take for granted the precious time that God has allowed for me to be the mother of my son.

So as I resume my training tomorrow morning, hoping to complete an easy 6 mile run, I will also commence my duties as Hudson's mother and full-time caregiver. Although I won't earn any finisher medals for the latter accomplishment, I know that my Heavenly Father sees my every move and will one day reward my labors, with a crown that far surpasses any race memorabilia this world has ever seen. 


  1. Life is a marathon. I published a blog for the Austin based C.P. Family Network, Tips for school.

    1. I never found that post on Grace which you told me you would look for. I remember commenting that Chance deserved it daily with a clean slate. I believe you read the comment and then deleted it. I pray he knows I've forgiven him for the wrong I feel he has done and I only want the best for the trio in Dallas. Will you please keep looking? I am not trying to be disrespectful by reading your blog and I would appreciate if he knew that. I hope you have and or will read my blog and take a look at my page. There are Facebook pages.
