Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Mother's Prayer

Today, oh Lord, I need you. I needed you yesterday and I will need you tomorrow. I need you to help me be patient, kind, loving, and selfless toward my husband and children. I need your grace to make me dependent on you. I acknowledge my weakness and failure to humble myself before you all day long. I confess that I have been irritated today with my children. And I bless you that you have given me the Holy Spirit to reveal to me my sin. I also bless you that with you there is forgiveness so that you may be feared. You are a great God, and you love needy mothers like myself. Forgive me for comparing myself to others and condemning myself for not being like so and so. This does not please you! You delight in a broken heart, which is what I offer to you now. I need you, oh Lord, I need you. Thank you for loving this mother! In Jesus' name, amen. 

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