Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Eating, Exercise, and Endurance

Yesterday, my husband mentioned to me an article that he found on one of our favorite blogs - The Gospel Coalition - that had to do with a subject I am most intrigued by: dieting. I was obviously excited because as you know, if you have read anything else on here, my desire is to equip and encourage others to root out their motives in eating, exercise, and self-image.

In this article, the author and pastor, Mike Cosper (whom I had never heard of before), hits it home with some excellently edifying words for those of us who have the desire to lose weight, maintain a healthier lifestyle, or start eating 'right'. He boils it down to our "motivations" and what is really driving our desires for those things. In one of the sections of the article entitled "Seeking Wisdom" he says:

"Crash diets and exercise obsessions only make sense when they serve an idol in response to motivation like shame. We'll gladly risk long-term injuries and damages to our health, sacrificing them on the altar of youth or self-image, if we think the ends justify the means."

That is so profound! He continues on in that paragraph to talk about how we need to be patient when adopting a new change in our lifestyles, such as an exercise routine or a diet change. We need to seek counsel from others and check our heart's motives before progressing on a potentially dangerous path that could lead to long-term effects on both our physical and psychological (and of course spiritual) health.

Please read the article and let me know your thoughts!

"Grace Motivated Dieting" - http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/tgc/2012/01/15/grace-motivated-dieting/

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